Length: 51 - 55 cm
Wingspan: 130 cm
Lava gulls are endemic to the Galapagos islands and can be found in various
locations throughout the Galapagos archipelago. Unfortunately, the species is currently listed asfacing a high risk of extinction, with fewer than 400 pairs still remaining.
Lava gulls are unmistakable owing to the fact that they are the only all-dark gull with a heavy bill. The adult has a black head, white eyelids and sooty-grey under parts and breast with a pale belly. The rump and outer tail feathers are of a whitish colour. When the lava gull is in flight, its dark primaries contrast with the rest of the wing. The infant lava gull is wholly a chocolate brown colour, with the exception of its rump, which is somewhat paler. After the first few months of its birth, the infant develops grey tints to its head and upperparts.
They breed throughout the year, but most commonly May through to October. They nest singly in the shore zone and scavenge for food along the shoreline although rarely fly far from land.
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