Andes to Amazon - Wildlife & Culture

These journeys, available throughout the year, will take you through Andean plains amid volcanic peaks; cloud forests cloaking steep mountainsides filled with hummingbirds & orchids; & some of the most remote Amazon wilderness, searching for wildlife in forest preserves, guided by indigenous people to whom the lands you explore belong.


You will be in lowland Amazon rainforest for almost half of this trip. The area you will visit is in the far southeast of Ecuador, close to the border with Peru. There are no roads into the area, so you will take a small plane flight over a vast horizon of unbroken Amazon forest, landing in indigenous owned lands where oil companies have never been permitted to drill. Here you will switch into a rhythm of life dictated by the Achuar people who live here - learning about their culture, whilst exploring the flora and fauna on foot & over water.

Of Amazon wildlife you can hope to see, monkeys are some of the most visible, ranging from the world's noisiest, the Red Howler Monkey, to the very smallest: the Pygmy Marmoset. Elusive jaguars, puma, tapir, peccary, capybara, agoutis, tamanduas, caimans and more all exist here too; as do Pink River Dolphins, which are resident in this part of the Rio Pastaza, its connected tributaries and periodically flooded forests.

If you fancy wild camping on your holiday, a special effort can be made to see one of the Amazon's most entertaining mammals: the Giant River Otter. Hunting for otter pelts has made these animals rare in all but the most pristine corners of the Amazon; but you will ascend a narrow tributary and spend a night adventure camping in the forest in order to approach an otter den at dusk and dawn. These are the moments when they are their most active - protecting the young from caiman, whilst diving to catch fish.

Of birdlife, more than 530 avian species have been recorded here, of which we hope you will experience particularly good views of chestnut-fronted macaws, yellow crowned parrots and more at a salt lick where they come to top up on salt and other minerals.

Anhinga Amazon birdlife Rio Pastaza Ecuador

Cloud Forest of the Tropical Andes

Several parts of the world are sometimes referred to as the most diverse; but for the record, the Tropical Andes is the most diverse area of our planet. On this trip, we will explore the Western Pacific-facing cloud forest in greatest detail. We will be in an area of incredibly dramatic scenery called Tandayapa. The forest is filled with hummingbirds and other avian species. Special effort will be made for you to see South America's answer to the Bird of Paradise: the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock; sitting in wait at leks where the bright red-orange males perform elaborate mating displays.

Of mammals, you might be lucky enough to see the world's most recently discovered large mammal: the Olinguito.

Cloud forest gives rise to an explosion of flora, including orchids, moss-laden trees and carboniferous tree ferns. Walking along the edges of the Andes, you will find the forest canopy above and beneath you; and spread spectacularly across mountains and deep valleys to the horizon. The volume of life encapsulated within a single view is breath-taking.

Cloud Forest of the Choco Andes, Tandayapa

Avenue of Volcanoes

Between Quito, the Amazon jungle lodge and Choco-Andean cloud forest, you will travel through the alto plano (high plains), dwarfed by the highest volcanic peaks in the world. How many peaks you see will depend upon cloud cover, but here are some of the volcanoes you will pass within sight of:

Cotopaxi Volcano - is Ecuador's second highest mountain reaching 5,897m (19,347ft) and one of its most active. The mountain last began a series of eruptions in October 2022.

Cotopaxi Volcano at Dawn Ecuador

Antisana Volcano - we hope for views of this more craggy, glacier-capped mountain when travelling between the Amazon and Choco-Andean cloud forests. Height 5,753m (18,875ft).

Tungurahua Volcano - this volcano last erupted in 2014. Height 5,023m (16,480ft). It's name is derived from the Quichua words for throat (tunguri) and fire (rahua).

Sangay Volcano - is probably Ecuador's most regularly active volcano. Some like Chris Bonnington have succeeded in climbing in it; but others have died trying, struck by red hot boulders blasted from the cone. Height 5,286m (17,343 ft).


Andes to Amazon - Wildlife & Culture

Day 1 - Quito

You will be collected from Quito airport, or anywhere else you need within the city. You will then be transferred to a lovely boutique hotel in a premium part of the city. This evening you will be treated to a gourmet three course dinner.

Cultura Manor Hotel Quito

Day 2 - Avenue of Volcanoes to Puyo (via Banos)

After breakfast, your private driver / guide will meet you at the hotel, provide a brief introduction and then set out south from Quito along the Avenue of Volcanoes. The road will ply Ecuador's alto plano (high plains), out of which literally erupt some of the Andes highest volcanoes. If cloud cover is favourable, we can hope to see Cotopaxi and Tungurahua. If you do, you driver will stop to admire.

From the alto plano you will descend the eastern slopes of the Andes until you reach the town of Banos. Here you can have a walk round, including the colourful vegetable and fruit market. You will then take lunch and visit the place on Amazon tributary, the Rio Pastaza, where the smaller Rio Verde joins it at a dramatic waterfall.

From here we will continue to the town of Puyo, on the edge of the Amazon Basin. We will stay in a small hotel with lovely gardens and some great local food knocked up by our host Sofia.

Day 3 - Into the Amazon

After breakfast, you will be driven about 10 minutes to an air strip from where you will take a private plane into a remote part of the Amazon, not far from the border with Peru. You will say goodbye to your Andes guide before taking flight.

Please Note: in going to such as remote part of the Amazon, we are at the mercy of the elements. If there is excessive rain then we will have to delay until the skies are sufficiently clear to fly. You might be delayed both in flying to the Amazon and in getting back - by as much as 24 hours. We will have to adapt if this is the case.

Once you do take off, you will fly 160 km and 50 minutes over Amazon as pristine as it should be. The wide meandering Rio Pastaza will be seen beneath us, with tributaries of all sizes feeding black waters into those delivered laden with material carried down from the Andes.

Once you land, you will be met by your Achuar hosts, boarding a motor canoe which will carry you 20 minutes to the lodge.

You will settle in and take lunch, after which you will head out on a walk which will first describe the local ecology; and then quieten down as you seek out wildlife. Cicadas and Horned Screamer birds will become familiar daytime sounds. When Red Howler Monkeys begin to sing, we will know that darkness isn't far away - something which descends quickly on the Equator.

Amazon rainforest lodge kapawi

Day 4 - Amazon Culture, Wilderness & Wildlife

Achuar culture and beliefs are based around dreams and visions. The Achuar begin each day early, 3 - 4am, drinking wayus tea. Wayus is from a native plant, Ilex guayusa, which is part of the Holly genus - high in caffeine with positive antioxidant properties. The Achuar drink wayus early in the morning, whilst sharing their dreams - something you can join them for this morning.

As daylight begins to appear, you will head out onto the Rio Pastaza, in search of macaws, parrots and other birds which sometimes descend en masse onto a section of river bank to top up on minerals. Dawn is one of the most active times of the day for wildlife, so it's a good idea to make use of opportunities first thing each day in the Amazon.

You will have breakfast at around 8am, before heading out to an Achuar village to learn about local medicinal plants.

There is plenty of insect noise during the middle of the day, but less potential for mammals. You are also likely to feel somewhat tired by this time, so lunch with a rest afterwards is likely to be welcome. You will be able to walk in the near vicinity and gaze at the river too - if you are lucky, perhaps making sight of pink river dolphins.

Mid-afternoon, we will head out in search of wildlife again on the river. You can remain in a slow motor canoe, or propel yourself by kayak.

After dinner, we will head out on a night walk in search of all things great and small. We will conduct further night walks, so if you are tired after an early start, you might prefer to explore by night on a later occasion.

Kapawi Lodge room Ecuador Amazon

Day 5 - Amazon

Unless you prefer to sleep in, before breakfast you will be taken out in search of birds and monkeys along a tributary to the Rio Pastaza.

Breakfast will be at 8am, after which you will take time to learn more about Achuar culture, beliefs and how they are dealing with challenges posed by the modern world. Achuar land rights are such that the Ecuadorian Government does not own rights it can sell to prospectors for oil and minerals. Thus far, the Achuar have refused access to oil and mining. They have had the opportunity to see some of the damage these activities have inflicted on areas to the north and south and prefer to develop through ecotourism and other means.

The following plan can be adapted for you if you prefer not to camp overnight, deep in Amazon wilderness.

After lunch, you will get into a motor canoe and head to our camping area, set up and take an early dinner. We will then head out in search of wildlife, returning just before dark.

Day 6 - Amazon

Early morning you will explore by motor or canoe, heading back to the lodge in time for a late lunch. 

Late-afternoon you will head out again in search of wildlife.

Day 7 – Amazon to Andes

As light emerges, you will be taken out in search of wildlife and birdlife again by canoe.

After breakfast, you will be transferred to the air strip and fly back to where you can reconnect to the outside world.

Note: once again, weather can cause delays in our flight. You will only be flown when it is safe to do so.

After flying almost an hour over Amazon wilderness, you will be met by your driver who will take you north up into the Andes, to an area of thermally heated springs at Papallacta. You will pass through some fantastic Andean cloud forest scenery along the way. At Papallacta, you will stay at a hotel and spa with views (subject to cloud cover) of the glacial peaks of Antisana Volcano. Here you can relax as you wish, at the highest altitude you will have reached so far, sleeping at 3,500 meters above sea level. There are nature trails close by and spa treatments are available.

Breakfast and lunch are included today, but dinner will be by your own account.

Day 8 - Into the Cloud Forest

After breakfast, departing at 9.30am, will be collected and driven from the eastern side of the Andes to cloud forests on the western Pacific-facing slopes of the Andes.

The drive will take about 3 ½ hours.

You will be able to settle into your room before lunch and a briefing about the area.

Bellavista Cloud Forest Lodge Superior Room

Either side of lunch, it's worth gazing at the views and stopping to observe and photograph dozens of hummingbirds. 

In the afternoon you will be taken for a walk, soaking up views; looking for evidence of mammals such as Tayra and Spectacled Bears; and looking in detail at the huge variety of flora which surrounds us.

Day 9 - Cock-of-the-Rock

5am, you will be taken to a reserve where there is a 'lek' where you can try to watch bright orange / red male Cock of the Rock birds perform to females. 

You will get back to the lodge for breakfast at about 8.30am, after which you can join a guided walk.

After lunch, you can join another guided walk at 3pm.

Day 10 - Tandayapa to Quito

You can join a dawn birdwatching hike before breakfast.

8.30am you can join a guided walk.


3pm you will be driven to the same hotel in Quito.

Day 11 - Journey ends in Quito

Your journey ends today after breakfast at the hotel in Quito; or with a transfer to the airport, as needed.


Enquire / Book 03 Sep 2024 - 19 Dec 2025 - £ 3,390
US$ 4,190

11 days starting and ending Quito airport / city.
Price per person sharing.

Price includes
All guiding
Return flights Quito to the Amazon
All transportation by river and land
All meals on location in the Amazon & cloud forest
Park entry fees
Community fees
Water, coffees & teas

  • Family of Dusky Titis at Sunrise in the Amazon
  • achuar-in-ecuador-amazon.jpg
  • Long-tailed Sylph Hummingbird (Aglaiocercus kingii) by Anna Puttick
  • Orange-backed Troupial in the Amazon
  • Parrots waiting until it's safe from predators to visit Clay Lick
  • Masked Trogon
  • Cloud Forests of the Choco-Andes



Diversity of the Ecuadorian Amazon

Amazon Pink River Dolphins

  • Red Howler Monkey
  • Cock-of-the-Rock
  • Achuar guide
  • Plate-billed Mountain Toucans (Andigena laminirostris) by Nigel Puttick
  • Antisana Volcano
  • Orchids in Cloud Forest
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