Falklands - South Georgia - Antarctic Peninsula
South Georgia
Name: Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Length: 6.9 – 7.4 m
Weight: 4 – 10 tonnes
Whereas minke whales in the southern hemisphere appear to feed solely on krill, those in the northern hemisphere are known to take cod, herring and sardines in addition to krill. Although not considered strictly ‘coastal’, minke whales are rarely seen more than 150 km from shore and are commonly seen within bays, fjords and lochs and travel further into Arctic ice fields than any other baleen whale. With a dark upper body and a white underside, a broad white ‘edge’ runs along the dorsal side of the flippers. The head is pointed and narrow and the dorsal fin is characteristically high and curved. Although minke whales have a worldwide distribution, they prefer cooler regions to tropical areas.