Polar Activities


Polar Kayaking

There is no better means of exploring the rocky shores, scattered icebergs and glaciers of the polar wilderness, than by gently moving through the icy waters in a kayak. Such tranquil exploration, in tune with the surrounding nature invites a close approach to bird-laden headlands... more

Polar Diving

Polar expeditions are not for beginner divers. You will need to be a very experienced diver and must be familiar with cold water and dry suit diving (at least 30 dives). Before departure you will have to show... more

Camping in Antarctica

Antarctic camping is an exhilarating 'open air' adventure option, providing an intensive once in a lifetime experience of the Antarctic wilderness.  Spending the night wrapped in sleeping bags will enable you to watch the amazing transition from day into night... more

Hiking & Snowshoeing

It is estimated that the origins of snowshoeing date back around 6,000 years, to an age where this means of getting around was vital to fur traders, trappers and those whose lives depended on the ability to navigate areas of heavy and frequent snowfall... more

  • Diving in Antarctica - Peter de Maagt
  • Kayaking in Antarctica
  • Camping in Antarctica
  • Kayaking in Spitsbergen
  • Diving in Antarctica - Goran Ehlme
  • Hiking in Antarctica

Camping in Antarctica

Hiking & Snowshoeing

Polar Diving

Polar Kayaking


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